The fascination of earth building
Since the mechanisation of the construction process and the industrial production of building materials, building with clay has been a marginal topic in construction. Currently, building with earth is experiencing a renaissance. In our opinion, this is due to three aspects:
- Aesthetic aspects
- Comfort aspects
- Global sustainability
In close co-operation with the city of Ludwigsburg and the local beekeepers on the Hungerberg in Ludwigsburg, the student project
"Naturinfozentrum Ludwigsburg - Casa Mellifera (House of the Honey Bee)" has been developed.
It is a largely energy self-sufficient, resource-saving building made from natural materials. It was developed under the direction of Prof Andreas Löffler, the assistant Albert Stöcker with students of the HFT-Stuttgart as part of a seminar and built under the guidance of the earth building expert Hubert Heinrichs.
Self-sufficient in terms of heating, the building is supplied with a heat pump and ice storage technology. The clay comes directly from the surrounding area.
Far ahead of its time, it is one of the most innovative buildings in the region. Universities from Germany and abroad like to visit it as a successful pilot project.