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Construction of a prototype - lightweight timber construction system, Indonesia


Beginning of August 2022:
We had the pleasure of visiting the construction of our pilot project for the lightweight timber construction system developed together with our co-operation partners. The work in Palangka Raya is progressing well. The basic construction has been completed and the prefabricated roof trusses, roof and façade elements have been installed. We met with Dr Marcus Flaig from BE Ingenieure and Ms Kristina Loike from Faireventures Worldwide, the on-site construction manager.

The stay also included excursions to examples of local architecture, the Fairventures tree nursery and HKm Batu Bulan (a sustainable forestry business model on whose land our shingle test was set up).

The numerous impressions stimulated many productive conversations and discussions, which will promote the further development and optimisation of our lightweight timber construction system.

Find out more about the project here.
