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Extract from the technical article in the TAZ supplement


In the article "The city as a sponge" from 29/09/2021, the handling of rainwater is highlighted. Andreas Löffler was interviewed as an expert on this topic - because rainwater utilisation was already important when planning the Geroldsäcker eco-settlement in 1993.

"Löffler proudly recounts how Lord Mayor Frank Mentrup (SPD) has also marvelled at the facility, which was completed in 1993. At the 25th anniversary celebrations, he was impressed by what Karlsruhe has to offer in ecological terms. The houses here are not only built to low-energy standards, with passive solar energy utilisation, condensing boiler technology and solar collectors. All rainwater is collected in cisterns with a capacity of 80,000 litres and used for flushing toilets and watering the garden."
[Excerpt from "The city as a sponge" from KONTEXT:Wochenzeitung from 29/09/2021 by Rainer Lang]

The whole article is available here.

Our current projects also focus on climate-friendly architecture. This also includes rainwater utilisation.
