Saalbachpark construction group, Bruchsal

This project with a total of 51 residential units has been realised in the Bahnstadt area in Bruchsal since October 2017. A colourful mix of young and old, singles and families, owner-occupiers and future landlords have come together on the 3,600 square metre plot in a central location to realise an ecological project as a building group. The declared aim was to construct an ecological, energy-efficient and sustainable building in a central location. A special characteristic of the building group project is the high degree of individualisation options within the flats, which were granted to each client. In the early planning stage, it was decided how to minimise maintenance and follow-up costs for the future owners and residents. In addition to the KfW Efficiency House 55 energy standard with external brick walls and low-maintenance wood-aluminium windows, this also included the agreement to privatise the outdoor facilities as far as possible and to dispense with high-maintenance building services. The monthly meetings between the construction group, the planning team and the project management team, in which current issues are discussed and important points for the further course of the project are agreed, enable the clients to participate in the planning process.

Location Bruchsal, Nelly-Sachs-Straße
Building owner Building community building group Saalbachpark
Completion End of 2020
Construction method Solid construction
Energy standard KfW Efficiency House 55
Project management Dipl.-Volkswirt Achim Pätzold
Miscellaneous 1st building group project in the new railway town of Bruchsal