Old slaughterhouse, Pforzheim

Living and working promotes art and culture. This is the guiding principle of the co-operative Gewerbekultur Pforzheim e.G. for the development of the Alter Schlachthof Pforzheim.

Together with the Gewerbekultur Pforzheim e.G. cooperative, we are developing a new lively, ecological and cooperative neighbourhood in and around the Alter Schlachthof. The aim is to revitalise the site with a mix of commercial uses, studios, social facilities and inclusive housing models. Commissioned not only as planners but also as dialogue-oriented process facilitators, we work cooperatively with users, neighbours and the urban community to test creative and cultural uses and enable redevelopment concepts for artists' studios and housing. The existing building from the 1950s is to be used sustainably by using ecological and regional materials and retaining and upgrading as much of the existing structure as possible.

One component of the overall project is to initiate the conversion of the existing building through interim use, refurbishment and conversion into studio space. In addition, the possibilities of "living on the roof" are being investigated as part of a feasibility study. On the other hand, the task of developing the overall vision for the neighbourhood with the aim of creating an identity-forming location is also a priority. This will create added value for the immediate neighbourhood and the city of Pforzheim.

A special feature of this project is the dynamic and collaborative, participatory project development, in which many processes run in parallel, variants are tested and discussed together and we are also allowed to accompany and help develop further processes beyond the planning stage.

Location Kleiststraße 2, Pforzheim
Building owner Cooperative Gewerbekultur Pforzheim e.G.
Completion in planning
Construction method Solid construction, timber construction
Miscellaneous Funding as part of the "Innovative Living BW" sponsorship programme