Timber Innovation Centre - attic construction, Kampala, Uganda

The success and public appreciation that Fairventures Worlwide (based in Stuttgart) has received for its reforestation programmes in Borneo have encouraged the organisation to start reforesting destroyed former primeval forests in Uganda as well. As a showcase and administrative centre for this initiative, it is planned to erect an attic structure in Kampala using timber construction (wood from reforestation) in order to visibly demonstrate the potential of this wood in the construction sector.

This project is being developed in collaboration with master's students from the Holzfachschule Biel (Switzerland), Prof. Rohner and Löffler-Schmeling Architekten.

At a workshop with the people involved (in August 2020), an exchange took place over the course of two days and specific ideas on form and construction were collected. At the end of the workshop, these were tested and visualised in a 1:25 scale model.

As a result of the planning workshop, further planning is carried out by an architect on site. The previous analyses are incorporated into the further development. To ensure this, we as an architectural firm accompany the further development in the form of design meetings and the development of perspectives for design recommendations.

Location Kampala, Kampala Road, Uganda
Building owner Private
Completion in planning
Construction method Timber construction
Climate zone temperate-tropical climate
Project participants Fairventures Worldwide, Suttgart; Bern University of Applied Sciences, Biel, Switzerland; Löffler_Schmeling Architekten