Tunnel portals Kriegsstraße, Karlsruhe

We see the opportunities for a high-quality design of the Kriegsstraße street space as a planning task that is not only a traffic-related challenge, but also an urban design task.

We have the opportunity to determine the nature and expression of this important city centre street.

After winning the competition for the cladding of the tunnel portals, we further developed the soundproof cladding of the tunnel portals. We also developed a design for the railings of the tunnels. The panels for the cladding were further developed in terms of materiality, shape and absorption behaviour.

Prototypes and samples were made from ceramic. There is no alternative to ceramic in terms of sustainability, aesthetics and function.

With regard to the sound-absorbing requirements of the panels, for example, experiments were carried out with perforations of different sizes. The dimensions of the panels and the perforations are decisive for the aesthetics and effect of the wall. Test specimens of the panels were tested for their sound behaviour in the Kund'sche Rohr at the test stand of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences in Vaihingen and met the requirements.

We also worked with specialised companies to develop a substructure that allows for quick installation and uncomplicated maintenance and supports the weight of the panels. There are sound-absorbing elements between the panels and the substructure.

Location Kriegsstraße, Karlsruhe
Building owner Karlsruher Schieneninfrastruktur-Gesellschaft mbH (KaSiG)
Completion not realised
Competition year 2014
Competition Realisation competition, 1st place