The Gewerbekultur eG co-operative chose us to develop the Alter Schlachthof in Pforzheim together with them.

A lively neighbourhood with many different users is to be created on the approximately two-hectare site in the north-east of Pforzheim by implementing modern residential and usage concepts. The co-operative's guiding principle is: "Commercial and residential promotes art and culture".

On the one hand, interim commercial use of the existing structure is planned, but on the other hand, the development of the long-term realisation of an overall concept for the site, which will also include housing, is also planned. A development plan procedure will then run parallel to this.
In addition to planning, the transformation process should also be accompanied by communication and economic support. Our team is therefore interdisciplinary. We are working on the project together with Stephan Mertens (economic feasibility) and Jenna van Hauten (project mediation and moderation).

The state of Baden-Württemberg is funding parts of the project as part of the "Innovative Living BW" programme. This was reported in the Pforzheimer Zeitung newspaper on 19 November 2022.

We are looking forward to starting the project.
