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How would you like to live and work - in the Alter Schlachthof Pforzheim?

As part of the "GEMEINSAM - Wie möchte du wohnen?" exhibition, we were able to present the co-operative project around the Alter Schlachthof Pforzheim in cooperation with Gewerbekultur Pforzheim e.G. at the Architekturschaufenster Karlsruhe. A neighbourhood for communal and affordable working and living as well as spaces for art and culture is being created here. The realisation of social, cultural

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Ground-breaking ceremony for the first multi-generation house in Neu-Ulm

It's finally starting! We are delighted that the ground-breaking ceremony for the CURD in Neu-Ulm took place on 6 February after a long start-up phase. Together with the 2nd mayor, the project management and the members of the multi-generational project, we architects were able to celebrate the starting signal for our latest timber construction project. Despite wintry temperatures and rain

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Housing estates - Practical project urban development concept by Nathalie Schmid

Nathalie Schmid is studying architecture and has analysed our project 'erlebnisreich wohnen Balingen' as one of her semester assignments. The aim of this work was to illustrate and analyse the differences between rural and urban housing developments by means of inspections and CAD drawings and image sequences. In two comparative projects, she analysed the materiality, flat sections and sizes

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Regenbogenschule in Gießen - further commissioning completed

On 8 October, we presented our 'Regenbogenschule extension' project to the district council committee in Giessen. After a very positive response to our presentation, we are now delighted with the decision of the district council: we have been awarded the contract! The Giessener Allgemeine reported: 'Work in Holzheim to begin in 2025' HUP.MDV-GAZ_e-29-20241030

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Topping-out ceremony - Heidelberg staff dormitory

On 15 October, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the new construction project on Wieblinger Weg with Gesellschaft für Grund- und Hausbesitz mbH (GGH), the project partners, tradesmen and many guests. Just seven months after the ground-breaking ceremony, the 120 guests were able to get a first impression of the new flats being built. These will

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Regenbogenschule in Gießen - promising project presentation

On 8 October, we were able to present our 'Regenbogenschule extension' project to the district council committee in Giessen. Topics such as the architectural concept, reaction to the local situation, materiality, sustainability and the climate concept were presented. Subsequent questions allowed individual points to be discussed in greater depth. The presentation was very successful and we look forward to the decision with optimism

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Join in - 10 years of the office in Waldstraße

We took the Waldstraße festival last weekend as an opportunity to celebrate our 10th office anniversary at the Waldstraße location. Visitors were able to build, construct and experiment architecturally with parquetry sticks in a fantastic hands-on activity, extending existing models or developing new ones themselves. All this was accompanied by celebrations at the street party and the glorious late summer weather

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Heidelberg staff residence - First look at the construction site

Our project 'Wieblinger Weg employee dormitory' is taking shape: Thanks to prefabrication, both in terms of speed and ecology. Prefabricated cavity wall elements are used, which are filled with 'RC concrete' (recycled concrete). The exterior walls (façade) and floor slabs are prefabricated from solid wood panels and will soon arrive on site. With this

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TC Weissenhof - Building application submitted

Redesign of the outdoor areas and tennis courts 7 and 8: The traditional Weissenhof tennis club will soon have a new look on its picturesque club grounds above the rooftops of Stuttgart: a large 2-court air dome will extend the club's winter use during the cold season. Access to the hall is convenient and dry via the club building.

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Rainbow School in Giessen - The preliminary design is ready!

We have been given the challenging task of extending a primary school in Giessen. A sports hall with gymnastics room, a canteen and rooms for all-day care are planned. We have now been able to present the ideas we developed to the head of the building department and representatives of the school and sports club in Giessen. The preliminary design was very well received by all sides, which [...]

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A meeting with the Federal Building Minister Klara Geywitz

On 28 May, we had the opportunity to present the development of the slaughterhouse site to Ms Geywitz and other members of the Bundestag, local politicians and local council candidates using the model on site. The minister was impressed by the existing structure and the conversion and new construction plans. In particular, the planned innovative and social forms of housing are of great importance in the creation of new living space. We [...]

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Success story of the "erlebnisreich wohnen" building group

When "visionary thinking" becomes "eventful living" and all residents see their expectations of communal living confirmed, then we can celebrate this exemplary building group project as a great success story. That this multi-generation house in Balingen is an example of a modern and sustainable living concept and fulfils the demand for affordable living space,

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Distinguished visitor to the Alter Schlachthof Pforzheim

Andrea Lindlohr, State Secretary in the Ministry for Regional Development and Housing, visits the existing slaughterhouse building on her tour of the eastern part of the city at the invitation of Sibylle Schüssler, Mayor for Construction. Ms Lindlohr confirms her interest and the support of the state on site and in social media. PZ and BNN report on the visit and the current status

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Topping-out ceremony - Semi-detached house Stuttgart

A semi-detached house is being built in Stuttgart, which will be rebuilt as a modern and energy-efficient building following the demolition of the existing building. The topping-out ceremony was celebrated on Friday, 15 March 2024 with the completion of the building shell. The design of the new building responds to its surroundings, blending in with its rendered façade,

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Here we go! Ground-breaking ceremony - employee dormitory, Heidelberg

On 8 March, together with Gesellschaft für Grund- und Hausbesitz mbH Heidelberg (GGH), the City of Heidelberg and Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD), we broke ground on the new Wieblinger Weg employee housing project. Here, 99 small flats are being built in five buildings for employees of Heidelberg University Hospital. The new building project is a modular timber-hybrid construction.

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Behind the scenes - process documentation

Today we are filming in our office. A film is being made about the entire documentation process for the Alter Schlachthof project in Pforzheim. This also includes the creation of models and plans in our office. It will be some time before the film - and the project - are completed.

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New impressions of the Schlachthof site
- a work status

Participatory processes are progressing and leading to concrete proposals for solutions on the way to developing the area into a vibrant neighbourhood. The current status of urban development in the neighbourhood was discussed with members of the Gewerbekultur Pforzheim e.G. cooperative at an evening event. Enthusiasm and anticipation are high and the visions countless. The Alter Schlachthof site is set to become a [...]

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Merry Christmas greetings

The entire team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a good and healthy start to the New Year 2024. We would like to thank you for the good cooperation, the inspiring conversations and the progress we have made together in the year behind us. We are taking a break: Our office will be closed from Friday 22 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024. We look forward to seeing you from [...]

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Christmas office excursion 2023

Wrapped up warm and early on Thursday morning, we started our Christmas office excursion. Together we made our way to Switzerland. With a short stopover at the Brickworks Museum in Cham, we travelled to Lucerne and Zurich. Here we gained great insights into a wide range of cooperative construction projects. We learnt how the participative and

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Clay plaster and clay paint

Today we would like to give you an insight into the progress of the building site. The pipes have been installed, the walls planked and plastered - now it's time for the paint. The rooms will be labelled next Monday. Until then, the walls have to be painted and the paint has time to dry.

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Work is progressing - practice remodelling, Karlsruhe

The finishing work in the physiotherapy practice is progressing. Electrical, heating and sanitary pipes have been laid, the walls can now be planked from the second side and the ceilings suspended. The colour concept has been finalised. The rooms are taking shape.

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Invitation to the Planning and Environment Committee

On 25 October 2023, we were invited together with the cooperative to present the current project status of the Alter Schlachthof site to the city of Pforzheim's planning and environment committee. The project, in which living, working, social, meeting and inclusion are to take place, has met with great approval. BNN reports on the evening here.

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Office excursion to planned residential project

On 26 September, in beautiful September weather, we went on an excursion to the final event of a planned residential project. At the end of a two-year-long participatory process, the Stuttgart Rot project summarised the results and provided insights. All those involved realise that such a process on this scale cannot be carried out at

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The remodelling has begun

The remodelling of a villa in Karlsruhe has begun. The ground floor of the building was last used as an office. The rooms are now being converted into a physiotherapy practice. In order to create a good indoor climate, the metal stud walls are clad with clay building boards. New treatment rooms, a reception and the entrance area are being created. We are delighted,

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Exemplary building award ceremony

The Exemplary Building Zollernalbkreis 2015 - 2023 award ceremony took place on 13 September 2023. We are delighted to receive this award for our "erlebnisreich wohnen" building group project in Balingen! Part of the building group was also on site to receive the certificate and plaque. It was a successful evening.

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Moving into a detached house, Karlsruhe

The remodelling work is complete, the tools have been cleared away and the heat pump is in operation. We are delighted that the detached house in Karlsruhe is now occupied and has been converted into a real gem. Where previously the kitchen was arranged as an elongated room next to the hallway and the dining room served as a passageway, the

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Building application submitted - employee residence, Heidelberg

The building application has been submitted for the employee accommodation project in Heidelberg. The 5 houses with 99 residential units plus communal areas are strongly elementalised. Between the houses, there will be spaces that promote socialising and togetherness. We are now entering the planning phase. We are very excited about this wonderful timber construction project.

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Our urban planning ideas workshop was a great success!

As part of an urban planning ideas workshop on the Alter Schlachthof in Pforzheim, experts, we as the process facilitators and planners and the cooperative came together on site to work out creative solutions for the development of the site and to gather new input. We would like to thank the participants from the cooperative, as well as Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Dürr, Dipl.-Ing. Norbert

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New impressions of the CURD housing project

We are still looking for co-owners for our CURD residential project. The strength of the timber construction lies in the large communal room on the 4th floor, the shared courtyard, the roof gardens and the shared living concept. The visualisations were made available to us by the architects mühlich+partner.

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The Wood Innovation Centre in Kampala is open!

The Timber Innovation Centre (TIC) in the capital of Uganda has now been completed. The centre aims to promote sustainable timber construction in Uganda and beyond in East Africa by bringing together experts and interested parties from the forestry and construction sectors and highlighting the potential of timber. The aim is to share ideas, experiences and expertise.

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Reason to celebrate! - Award for exemplary building

Our project erlebnisreich wohnen in Balingen was honoured by the Chamber of Architects with the Exemplary Building Award in the Zollernalb district. We are very pleased about this award. The list of all 14 award-winning projects can be found on the website of the Chamber of Architects. The award ceremony will take place on 13 September 2023 on the grounds of the garden show in Balingen.

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Architecture Glossary - Architecture Day

Our Saalbachpark building group project in Bruchsal is featured in the architecture glossary for this year's Architecture Day. Take a look at it. The complete booklet is available on the website of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects.

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Status update detached house, Karlsruhe

  The structural work on our detached house project in Karlsruhe has been completed. The extension is now progressing rapidly. The floor has been laid, the walls plastered and painted and the steps installed. The move-in is imminent.  

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State-wide showcase of the BW housing offensive

  On Monday, 19 June 2023, the exemplary projects of the Innovative Housing BW sponsorship were presented and exhibited together for the first time in a "state-wide showcase" at the Alter Schlachthof Pforzheim. With the sponsorship programme, the state aims to make innovative approaches to affordable housing visible and provide targeted support. Our Alter Schlachthof Pforzheim project

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Case Study Day 2023 - We were there!

  As part of the "CASE STUDY TAG 2023" with a focus on sustainable planning, construction & use, we had the opportunity to present and discuss our pilot project - sustainable timber construction system in Indonesia - to students at HFT Stuttgart and other interested parties. Complex practical examples that have been realised and are currently in operation were selected with a

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Old abattoir: living on the roof?

  After an input on our current status in the overall project to develop the old abattoir and the framework conditions for the roof considerations, several groups worked on their ideas for housing. They were spread across the slaughterhouse site and presented their initial ideas and concepts at the end of the day.

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The first Bamboo Expo 2023 was a complete success

  Bamboo as a building material in Europe? We are delighted that the research and standardisation of this natural material is being driven forward by a wide range of players. The Bamboo Expo makes an enormous contribution to networking the various areas and sectors. We are delighted to have been part of this big picture this year. As

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Save the date: Clay workshop and lecture in Karlsruhe

  As part of the Knowledge Week "Architecture & Building Technology" at KIT, several earth building workshops will be offered on Friday, 21 April 2023 and Saturday, 22 April 2023. On Friday evening from 18:00, Prof Andreas Löffler and other speakers will give a lecture on the topic of "Building with earth". Further information is available

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European Bamboo Expo - We will be there!

  The first European Bamboo Expo will take place in Dortmund on 2 and 3 June 2023. The declared aim of the trade fair is to "promote growth and innovation in the bamboo industry." [] We are looking forward to exchanging ideas, making contacts and promoting the use of bamboo as a building material.

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New foundation - Network group Mass Timber Africa

  Numerous beautiful timber construction projects are planned in Uganda, but the realisation fails immensely because those involved do not have the necessary skills. That is why Fairventures Worldwide is committed to training local architects, craftsmen and engineers and passing on expertise. The Timber Innovation programme planned in collaboration with us

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Participation process for interim utilisation at the old slaughterhouse in Pforzheim

  In an initial workshop, needs were identified together with members of the cooperative and potential interim users. The creation of studios in the existing building is the first step towards realising new forms of living and working in and on the old commercial building. After a joint inspection of the abattoir and the presentation of the structural framework conditions, we met in small groups [...]

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Architecture Day 2023 - We are part of it!

Our building project erlebnisreich wohnen was selected as one of four projects to be visited on the Day of Architecture 2023 in the Zollernalb district, which will take place this year on 24 June. Around 50 visitors are expected. We look forward to being part of this opportunity and look forward to seeing you there.

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Architecture Day 2023 - We are part of it!

  Our building project erlebnisreich wohnen was selected as one of four projects to be visited on Architecture Day 2023 in the Zollernalb district. The Day of Architecture will take place on 24 June this year. Around 50 visitors are expected. We are looking forward to being there on this occasion

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News from Kampala, Uganda

  The construction of the top floor in Kampala, Uganda has begun and the Crownhouse is already taking shape. Master's students from the Biel Wood College in Switzerland are on site and are helping to build the wooden structure. The topping-out ceremony is scheduled for mid-March. The inauguration is scheduled for June.

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There's something to celebrate in Balingen

  On Friday, 17 February 2023, the erlebnisreich wohnen building group and members of the Zollernalbkreis Chamber of Architects celebrated winning the special prize of the German Builder-Owner Award 2022, which was awarded in September. The Zollernalbkreis Chamber of Architects visited the building group project as part of a training course. The building group took this as an opportunity to invite Mayor Ermilio Verrengia and District Administrator Günther-Martin Pauli,

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Living for individual inclusion, Karlsruhe

  The timber construction for the rear building is complete and the walls are currently being insulated. The rooms impress with their proportions and the play of light sets the scene for the currently unplanned walls.

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Our article on

  We were able to present our research project on the development of a sustainable timber construction system made from Sengon lightwood to an English-speaking specialist audience and other interested parties as part of a guest article on The website provides information along the value chain of lightwood in Indonesia and East Africa. This makes a central information platform and resource for Fairventures partners. Fairventures Worldwide gGmbH is [...]

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Building group in Neu-Ulm - Co-owners wanted

  There are still flats available in the CURD construction project. The community is creating a shared living space in which the different needs and life phases of each member are taken into account and in which everyone can contribute and develop their gifts. The communal areas on the roof, which are used by everyone, are remarkable.

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Opening of the pilot project in Palangka Raya, Indonesia

  The first modular lightweight timber building in Central Kalimantan is officially open! On 30 October, Fairventures inaugurated the first modular lightwood house in Palangka Raya. Representatives of the German Bundestag (members of the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development) and representatives of the Indonesian government at national and regional level attended this opening event.

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Feedback from MLR BW - We receive funding for our Reutlingen parish project

  On 05.08.2022, we were able to present our Reutlingen parish project to the timber construction jury and applied for funding as part of the HiP (Holz Innovativ Programm) ERDF funding programme. We have now received feedback from the MLR (Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection). Our timber construction project has been awarded funding. We are delighted!

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The bronze plaque is here

  The bronze plaque for the German Building Award 2022 special prize from artist and architect Stefan Schwerdtfeger, Hanover, has arrived. It can now be attached to the building in Balingen. A press event will take place later.

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German Building Award 2022 - special prize

  The award ceremony for the German Builder-Owner Award 2022 took place on 15 September 2022. We are overjoyed that our project "Baugruppe Balingen - erlebnisreich wohnen" received a special prize and was able to prevail against 186 other submitted projects. In addition to our project, 5 projects received the German Builder-Owner Award 2022 and another project received a special prize.

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We review the design of the Lichtental building group, Baden-Baden

  The gap between buildings that our design is intended to fill is located in Brahmsstrasse in Lichtental, Baden-Baden. The preliminary building permit has been granted. We are now reviewing the design. An area analysis is to help with this, material collages and material concepts are to make the design more precise.

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Construction of a prototype - lightweight timber construction system, Indonesia

  Beginning of August 2022: We were able to visit the construction of our pilot project from the lightweight timber construction system developed together with cooperation partners. The work in Palangka Raya is progressing well. The basic construction has been completed and the prefabricated roof trusses, roof and façade elements have been installed. We met with Dr Marcus Flaig from BE

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Participation in the DGNB Sustainability Day, Stuttgart

  On 8 July, we had the opportunity to present our research project on a timber construction system made of Sengon lightweight wood again in a lecture and at the Marketplace of Ideas as part of the DGNB Sustainability Day 2022 event. There were exciting discussions and valuable, constructive but also critical exchanges. We take numerous

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Rammed earth wall workshop - 10th anniversary on Ohiostrasse

  On 25 and 26 June 2022, the EFG Karlsruhe celebrated the 10th anniversary of the church centre - with a concert, food, guided tours, a review and a service. The walls of the worship room were built 10 years ago from rammed earth by the parishioners themselves, layer by layer. In keeping with this spirit, this weekend

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Nominated for the German Builder-Owner Award!

  With our project Baugruppe Balingen - erlebnisreich wohnen we are nominated for the German Builder-Owner Award 2022. We are very much looking forward to the award ceremony in September this year and are excited to see how far we make it. You can find everything about the project here.

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Successful workshop days in Neu-Ulm!

  Participation: Last Friday and Saturday, intensive and very productive workshop days took place with our Friedenskirchler construction group at Wiley. Over the weekend, we discussed floor plans, window types, shading and HLS-E issues, among other things. We would like to thank them for the productive days and the good progress.  

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Renovation of detached house - demolition work has begun

  The remodelling of the detached house in Karlsruhe has begun. Some of the walls and ceilings have to be torn down to make room for the new room concept and to equalise the current different floor levels. We are delighted that this building site and the energy-efficient refurbishment have now begun.

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Update - Attic construction in Kampala, Uganda

  The planning of Faireventures Worlwide's new administrative centre in Kampala, Uganda continues. We are delighted to be involved in this timber construction (wood from reforestation). You can find out more about the project here.

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Design of a semi-detached house, Stuttgart

  This project is a wonderful design task. Unfortunately, the existing structure and building fabric from 1936 is not worth preserving and does not allow the client's requirements and wishes to be realised. The cellar is also damp. A complete demolition is to enable the construction of a contemporary structure that blends in well with the surroundings and fulfils the [...]

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New project - redensification of Weststadt Karlsruhe

  We are very excited about our new project in the Weststadt district of Karlsruhe. In the spirit of redensification, we are planning an extension to a single-storey building in the rear courtyard. As stipulated in the development plan, there will be space for living and working in the new building.

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Another milestone - roof extension and new courtyard development, Karlsruhe

  Another milestone has been reached with the E90 project. After submitting a preliminary planning application for the preliminary design of the rear courtyard development back in the summer, we can now close the year with satisfaction, as the planning application for the roof extension of the existing front building was submitted just in time for the end of the year. The year 2022 can come.

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Successful presentation to the design advisory board

  For our project in the Karlsruhe Technology Park, we were invited to an online meeting with the design advisory board. Here we were able to present our façade concept - prioritising the functionality of the individual elements in our designs. We are very pleased with the productive, friendly and communicative discussion and look forward to further planning.

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EFG-Reutlingen plant planning progresses

  The worship room has been significantly redesigned in recent months, mainly due to structural issues and the wishes of the clients. The baptismal font was moved to the front behind the preaching area and the proportions of the room were changed to make it easier to cope with the statically very challenging cantilevering of the room

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Feasibility study C7, Mannheim

  A new - old project brings us back to Mannheim. We are currently working on the C7 project, which was completed in 2017, as part of a feasibility study. The aim is to investigate whether an extension makes sense. You can find out more about the possible extension here, or if you are interested in the C7 project, click here.

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Extract from the technical article in the TAZ supplement

  In the article "The city as a sponge" from 29/09/2021, the handling of rainwater is highlighted. Andreas Löffler was interviewed as an expert on this topic - because rainwater utilisation was already important when planning the Geroldsäcker eco-settlement in 1993. "Löffler proudly recounts how Lord Mayor Frank Mentrup (SPD) also used the rainwater harvesting system for the

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Building group "living rich in experience" - the new photos are here!

  The members of the erlebnisreich wohnen building group think collectively, sustainably and put their own comfort on the back burner if this strengthens the group. This way of thinking calls for architecture that promotes communication and creates meeting spaces. After the last few years of planning, wrestling with each other, optimising, looking ahead and building, the

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DBU article on our research project in Borneo, Indonesia

  The DBU has published an article on our joint research project. You can find it here. We are delighted to be able to advance this exemplary project and to have such good project partners with the DBU, Faireventure Social Ferestry FVSF GmbH, KIT, Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH and BE Ingenieure GmbH. Find out more about the project here.

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student work, energy-efficient construction - eventful living, Balingen

  Our experiential living project was analysed by 4 architecture students from the University of Konstanz as part of a student project for the subject of energy-efficient construction. The energy topics of heating, cooling, air, light and electricity were analysed in more detail and the practical implementation was examined. In particular, the exchange and analysis of our

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Preparations for the establishment of a pilot project in Borneo, Indonesia

  The first construction phase of the project includes the integral sanitary and kitchen components to ensure that comprehensive monitoring can take place and that the planning of all project participants is already incorporated. Handy plans suitable for the construction site are being drawn up, brief explanations of the structure are being formulated and contact with local companies is being established and expanded. We are looking forward to the first 3 [...]

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Living in Lichtental, Baden-Baden

  Our new building group project is looking for future residents. Would you like to be a builder rather than just a buyer of a flat and still help shape the face of the city by participating in a building group? Then you should find out more about our latest project in Baden-Baden and take a look here. Or visit our project page: Lichtental building group, Baden-Baden

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Research project, Borneo Indonesia - Badische Neusten Nachrichten reports!

  "Sustainable construction with Segon wood: pilot project in Borneo combines jungle reforestation, materials research and vegetable cultivation" is how the BNN reports on our research project in Borneo. "Local farmers produce the wood and also use it. The wood stays in the country, generates crafts and creates jobs," Andreas Löffler is quoted as saying in the article.

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Research project, Borneo Indonesia - The model structure is ready!

  In mid-October, a sample for the Borneo Indonesia research project was constructed at the Research Centre for Steel, Wood and Stone at the Institute of Timber Construction and Building Design at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. For this purpose, elements were prefabricated using laminated veneer lumber made from the rapidly renewable Sengon lightwood. This allowed new insights to be gained for construction on site, [...]

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Community centre EFG Reutlingen - The preliminary building permit has been issued!

  A preliminary building permit has been issued for the building project of the Evangelical Free Church of Reutlingen (Baptists)! The project envisages partial demolition of the existing building from the ground floor upwards, as well as conversion of the basement floors to meet the current needs of the congregation. A new timber construction will be built from the ground floor upwards. We look forward to the further planning!

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Research project, Borneo Indonesia - Material trials

  During material tests for the "Borneo research project" at the KIT Timber Construction and Building Structures Research Centre for Steel, Wood and Stone, the material characteristics of the multilayer panels were determined, the specified values were tested and the physical and technical properties were classified. A sample construction of a module at KIT follows.

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Ohiostraße community centre, Karlsruhe

  The community centre was built in consistent and sustainable architecture using rammed earth, which was processed together with the parishioners. The aim of the design was to give appropriate expression to church community life in commitment to its tradition and the new social challenges through the architecture. This includes achieving an appropriate balance

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No further contributions available